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Christopher Donoso Voice and Gender Affirming Voice Therapist

My name is Christopher Donoso. I’m born and raised in Jersey City, NJ. I studied Speech-Language Pathology in Seton Hall University. I am a member of the LBGTQ+ community, and actually came out during my grad program (I know right!?). I couldn’t control the stress of studying for tests and getting good grades, but I could control tell people who I am as a person. Will so much stress bubbling up inside of me, I eventually came out to both my friends and family, and shortly after found my husband in Jersey City as well.


I always knew I wanted to work in a field that involved the amalgamation of both science and art, but it wasn’t until I watched the film, “Do I Sound Gay?” That I really wanted to dive into the field of voice therapy and gender affirming voice services. I want to provide these services to Jersey City, but didn’t see any places offering these services, so I started CD Speech Therapy to do it myself.


I became even more interested in Gender Affirming Voice services during my studies seeing how it was an underdeveloped area in my field and nearly nonexistent in Jersey City. I threw myself into media, research articles, and webinars/and seminars to learn all I could. From there, I had my first client, and the rest is history. I’m proud to continue to provide these services to the LGBTQ+ community.

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